Need to remove #nimblebox[nimble_portfolio_gal_default] from your URL? in prettyphoto.js, change (function(j){j(document).on(‘nimble_portfolio_lightbox’,function(event, obj){obj.items.prettyPhoto();})})(jQuery); to (function(j){j(document).on(‘nimble_portfolio_lightbox’,function(event, obj){obj.items.prettyPhoto({deeplinking: false});})})(jQuery);
Custom Walker Nav Menu with Genesis
Slightly different than the vanilla WordPress way… Use a custom walker nav menu to output menu item descriptions in the menu. ( the descriptions can be added after selecting ‘Description’ in Screen Options ) Menu_With_Description is a class that extends Walker_Nav_Menu class. add_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu_args’, function( $args ) { if ( isset( $args[‘menu_class’] ) && ‘menu […]
Renaming Multiple Files Using the Command Line
Had about fifty jpg files I needed to rename sequentially, starting at 15 to accommodate an existing 14 images. Using the command line (zsh) made it a lot easier than doing it by hand. Leaving this here for my personal benefit, but if you happen to come across it and it helps, that’s great! The […]
Install Oh My ZSH on Ubuntu
What shell are you using? echo $0 Install ZSH sudo apt-get install zsh I’ve run into trouble if I don’t change shells before installing Oh My ZSH which zsh Should show something resembling /usr/bin/zsh chsh Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default Login Shell [/usr/bin/zsh]: Install Oh My ZSH curl -L | […]

My Journey Setting up Mailcatcher with VVV sudo gem install mailcatcher – won’t run without sudo Google brought me to Faison’s issue: So I Install RVM gpg –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys D39DC0E3 sudo curl -sSL | bash rvm install 2.1.2 Exit iTerm2 and open new tab rvm use 2.1.2 RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with ‘rvm use …’ will not work. […]
Hardcode Akismet License for Use Across Multisite
/** Define API Key */ define( ‘WPCOM_API_KEY’, ‘your-key’ );