Autoloaded options total size: Top 20 autoload options by size:

Disable that Damn ‘Welcome to the Block Editor’ Message.
This requires the @wordpress/scripts package but I don’t have the time to get into that now.

Connect PhpStorm to Local MySQL on Mac.
There’s some info out there about connecting to MySQL via socket using something called junixsocket. All the instructions were pretty straight forward but I continued to get an error, something about socket length or some such thing. Turns out we need a user with access via so we can connect via port as opposed […]

Marvel Movies Chronologically
Captain America: The First Avenger (takes place during WWII) Captain Marvel (takes place in 1995) Iron Man (takes place in 2010) Iron Man 2 (takes place after Iron Man) The Incredible Hulk (time unspecified, pre-Avengers) Thor (takes place six months before Avengers) The Avengers (takes place in 2012) Iron Man 3 (takes place six months […]
Fix Inaccessible Dock When Firefox is Full Screen on 2nd Monitor
In about:config change full-screen-api.macos-native-full-screen to true.
Superscript ordinal date numbers with PHP
Only need to escape the superscript tag when formatting a date string. March 2nd, 2020 date(‘F j\<\s\u\p\>S\<\/\s\u\p\>, Y’)