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WP Autoload Options
Autoloaded options total size: Top 20 autoload options by size:
Disable that Damn ‘Welcome to the Block Editor’ Message.
This requires the @wordpress/scripts package but I don’t have the time to get into that now.
Fix Redirect Loop After Genesis Upgrade
Add remove_action( ‘genesis_upgrade’, ‘genesis_upgrade_redirect’ ); to functions.php, reload admin without ?page=genesis-upgraded in URL, clear cache, re-save Genesis settings, remove added code.
Nimble Portfolio: Clean up PrettyPhoto URL
Need to remove #nimblebox[nimble_portfolio_gal_default] from your URL? in prettyphoto.js, change (function(j){j(document).on(‘nimble_portfolio_lightbox’,function(event, obj){obj.items.prettyPhoto();})})(jQuery); to (function(j){j(document).on(‘nimble_portfolio_lightbox’,function(event, obj){obj.items.prettyPhoto({deeplinking: false});})})(jQuery);
Custom Walker Nav Menu with Genesis
Slightly different than the vanilla WordPress way… Use a custom walker nav menu to output menu item descriptions in the menu. ( the descriptions can be added after selecting ‘Description’ in Screen Options ) Menu_With_Description is a class that extends Walker_Nav_Menu class. add_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu_args’, function( $args ) { if ( isset( $args[‘menu_class’] ) && ‘menu […]